vendredi 30 octobre 2009

the first Caribbean manga from French West Indies

Hey do you know that teenagers are reading more mangas than anything else ?
based on this, Caraibe éditions created the first Caribbean Manga done by Elodie koeger and Hector Poullet well known for his translation in kreol of many comic strips.

a nice book, who is helping in teaching teenagers in local culture in a fun way !

St Lucia has comic book as well done by St Omer... maybe a regional collaboration to push ?

A caribbean review of books !

for all litterature lovers, local news and critics
go to visit the blog on caribbean review of books

only in english, sorry french folks...

jeudi 29 octobre 2009

a new blog on TV, cimema in Martinique

here is a new blog about Image, TV and cinema in Martinique.

Unfortunlately, only in french but you can watch some videos of work in progress and launchings.


un nouveau blog de réflexion sur l'image, le cinéma, la télévision en Martinique.

mercredi 28 octobre 2009

Upcoming Alliouagana Festival of the Word in Monserrat

Celebrating Words Written, Spoken, Sung and Performed

THURSDAY 12 November 2009

7:00 p.m. Public Lecture by Professor Carolyn Cooper: "Sweet and Sour Sauce: Sexual Politics in Jamaican Dancehall Culture"

FRIDAY 13 November 2009

6:30 p.m. Cocktail Reception hosted by H.E. Governor Peter Waterworth and Mrs. Waterworth
7:00 p.m. Grand Opening Ceremony
• Prize-Giving for the 2009 Creative Writing Competition
8:00 p.m. CALYPSO REVIEW – Chair: Mr. C. T. John,
Professor Gordon Rohlehr: "Calypso Reinvents Itself"
Dr. Hollis (Chalkdust) Liverpool: “Smut in Calypso”
Kenneth Allen, QC: “Calypso: The Montserrat Perspective”
Dr. Clarice Barnes: “A Balancing Act”

9:00 p.m. Behind the Songs: Composers, Performers and Musicians
Speak: (Justin ‘Hero’ Cassell; Herman ‘Cupid’ Francis;
Cecil “Cepeke” Lake)
11:00 p.m. Calypso Lime and Extravaganza with Inna Vybes Band

SATURDAY 14 November 2009

9:00 a.m. Marie-Elena John: “From Novel to Screenplay: The Process with Unburnable”
10:00 a.m. Dr. Merle Hodge: Excerpts from 2 novels: Crick Crack, Monkey and For the Life of Laetitia
11:00 a.m. Yvonne Weekes: An extract from Volcano and from the new play Blue Soap
12:00 noon Open Mike Sessions with Professor Carolyn Cooper
1:00 p.m. Creative Writing (Poetry) Workshop with Professor Funso Aiyejina and Dr. Merle Hodge
3:00 p.m. Publishing Workshop with Cherise Fisher
4:00 pm Rachel Manley: Reading from Drumblair; Slipstream and Horses in her Hair
5:00 p.m. Funso Aiyejina: Reading from his collection of short stories The Legend of Rockhills and Other Stories
6:00 p.m. Pauline Melville: Excerpts from The Ventriloquist’s Tale and Eating Air, hot off the Press
8:00 p.m. Dramatic Performance: Storyteller Pierrot Grenade, Felix Edinborough arrives and Skit by Young Theatre Enthusiasts

SUNDAY 15 November 2009
10:00 a.m. Memoir Writing Workshop with Rachel Manley
11:00 a.m Rachel Manley: Reading from Drumblair; Slipstream and Horses in her Hair
12:00 noon In Translation Workshop with Edgar Nkosi White and Play Reading of Count It All Joy
1:00 p.m. Open Mike Sessions with Professor Carolyn Cooper
2:00 p.m. Earl Lovelace: Selections from A Brief Conversion and Other Stories, Salt, and from forthcoming Novel, It’s Just a Movie
3:00 p.m. Austin Clarke reading from More and The Polished Hoe
4:00 p.m. Edgar Nkosi White: Discussing Langston Hughes’ role as translator and the impact he had on Caribbean Writers;
Translations of Garcia Lorca’s A Poet in New York, Nicolas Guillen’s Son,Jacques Roumain Masters of the Dew and Sergei Esenin’s The Black Man
5:00 p.m. J. A.George Irish: Adding a Spanish Caribbean Flavour with his translations of Poetry by Nicolas Guillen. Also presenting on “Dramatic Traditions in Montserrat” (Major Vincent B. Browne “Brongo”; David Edgecombe; Edgar Nkosi White and Yvonne
6:00 p.m. Howard Fergus: Reading from I Believe and new work about Obama
7:00 p.m. A Celebration of E. Archie Markham Pauline Melville “My Memories of Archie” and Excerpt from At Home with Miss Vanessa
Tribute from Tindall Street Press
Tribute by Prof. Howard Fergus and reading from Death in the Family

8:00 p.m. Dramatic Performance Pelau: The Second Serving produced by Plenty Plenty Yac Ya Ya (Chadd Cumberbatch, A-dZiko Simba and Friends)

lundi 26 octobre 2009

Touloulou french Guyana tradition in St Lucia

You are invited in a French Guyana party at Gaiety saturday 31st October 09 from 8:00
with musicians Michel alexander and Quèquette King of Carnival 2009 ! come to discover a very a live tradition...

a presentation on Touloulou bal tradition was done at Alliance Francaise last thursday.
here are some pictures.

October Kreol month in St Lucia

hey a lot of things happening in St Lucia for Kreol month ! The week end was busy in all activities.

Kreol Dikté competition is coming organised by Folk Research Center

conferences here is the program (it came a little late but is very intresting)

Tuesday 27th October SEMINARS:

Ms.Juliette SMERALDA: Problematic to the straightening of “Kinky” hair within the Afro-caribbean populations

Mr. Amilca DE VASSOIGNE, historian, Relationship between the African Culture and the Caribbean Culture

Both lectures will be presented in the Creole Language.
VENUE: The Alliance Francaise TIME: 6.00PM

Wednesday 28th October, KWEYOL POETRY AND MUSIC

Come and enjoy an evening of Music and Poetry which is part of the month-long Creole Heritage Month observances organized by the Folk Research Centre:

- Ras Isley
- Ken Hardy
- George “Fish” Alphonse
- Marcian JnPierre
- Marc Matthews, Poet and Actor from Guyana
- Augustin “Charlie” Julien and Hilary La Force
- Frank Norville, Emerson Nurse and Elra Ermay

VENUE: The Alliance Francaise TIME: 7.30PM

vendredi 9 octobre 2009

Premier colloque des médias de la Caraïbe en Guadeloupe

Premier colloque des médias de la Caraïbe

Le 1er colloque des médias de la Caraïbe sera organisé le vendredi 16 octobre 2009, au centre culturel de Sonis, aux Abymes, en Guadeloupe autour du thème :

« Les médias, outils d’intégration et de développement dans la Caraïbe ? »

Il s’agit pour l’hebdomadaire Etincelles Nouvelle d’initier avec des journalistes caribéens une véritable réflexion sur l’état de la presse d’opinion dans cette région du monde.

Ce colloque devrait aussi permettre de s’interroger sur les moyens à mettre en œuvre pour faciliter des échanges entre les médias régionaux.

La barrière de la langue, est-elle un obstacle ? Comment les technologies de l’information, et de la communication, peuvent-elles faciliter les échanges et une meilleure intégration ?

Il apparaît également important, au moment où, à travers le monde, la presse écrite subit une profonde mutation, d’analyser de manière prospective, comment les médias de notre région, doivent envisager l’avenir et leur développement dans une perspective d’intégration.

Cette journée d’échanges et de réflexions, pour laquelle de nombreux journalistes de la Martinique, de Cuba, d’Haïti, de Sainte-Lucie ont d’ores et déjà confirmé leur présence, devrait déboucher sur la création d’un Bureau d’Information de Caraïbe ; BIC qui pourrait être une réponse concrète portée à cette volonté d’intégration.

source :

Armelle in Guyana

At the launch of Guyexpo 09 (theme: developing business in a low carbon environment), the President made an interesting presentation on the Low carbon issues for his country. After the exercice done by St Lucian citizens to express their opinion at Copenhague (following the WWW initiative and organised by St Lucia national Trust last week)

Guyana is an important country for the regional culture because of the controversial CARIFESTA, but the amazing cultural mix and heritage make it a fascinating country for all cultural activist.

In Madhia you can find St lucian communities singing La Wose, Amerindians different ethnies and Indian temples... and I find a Morrocan café in Bartica, the city of Gold miners !!!

more on Guyanese finidngs later.

an interesting film festival in Guyana

I was in Guyana last week for the Guyexpo 09, I met some film and media people there and discovered an interesting film festival, in an homophobic environment: The SACOD movie festival.
It is not only about gays in the world but as well against all discriminiation...

if you want to participate, please follow the link.