Festival des Arts Nègres
Prévu du 1er au 14 décembre 2009, avec pour thème la "Renaissance africaine",
le troisième Festival Mondial des Arts Nègres - Fesman - initié par le président Sénégalais Adboulaye Wade, est reporté à une date ultérieure.
Annoncé pour la première fois en 2004 lors de l'inauguration de la 6ème Biennale de Dakar, il n'en est pas à son premier report. Le Sénégal avait déjà accueilli le premier Fesman en 1966.
Voir l'article du poète Sénégalais Amadou Lamine Sall qui revient sur cette première édition qui avait marqué les esprits.
jeudi 30 juillet 2009
mardi 28 juillet 2009
Second International Conference on African Culture and Development
La Deuxième Conférence Internationale sur la Culture Africaine et le Développement (ICACD) se tiendra à Accra au Ghana du 15 au 18 novembre 2009.
Le thème d'ICACD 2009 porte sur la " Culture africaine et les Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement " (OMD).
Pour plus d'information consulter le site www.icacdafrica.org ou contacter info@icacdafrica.org.
The Second International Conference on African Culture and Development (ICACD) that will be held in Accra, Ghana November 15th to 18th 2009.
The theme for ICACD 2009 is Culture and the Millennium Development Goals (MDG).
For more details and information please visit: www.icacdafrica.org or contact info@icacdafrica.org.
Le thème d'ICACD 2009 porte sur la " Culture africaine et les Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement " (OMD).
Pour plus d'information consulter le site www.icacdafrica.org ou contacter info@icacdafrica.org.
The Second International Conference on African Culture and Development (ICACD) that will be held in Accra, Ghana November 15th to 18th 2009.
The theme for ICACD 2009 is Culture and the Millennium Development Goals (MDG).
For more details and information please visit: www.icacdafrica.org or contact info@icacdafrica.org.
Libellés :
african culture and development conference
lundi 27 juillet 2009
2009 Saint Lucia Studies Emancipation Lectures
The Folk Research Centre, in association with the Cultural Development Foundation presents the 2009 Saint Lucia Studies Emancipation Lectures.
Keynote speaker is Professor Humphrey Regis.
Other lecturers are Mr. Laurent ‘Jomo’ JnPierre and Dr. Kyneata Joseph.
The Saint Lucia Studies Conference was organized by the FRC in 2004 to provide the opportunity for persons doing research into various aspects of Saint Lucian life to present their findings. Where it has not been possible to host a full Conference a series of lectures has been organized. From the beginning, the Cultural Development Foundation has partnered with the FRC in the hosting and presentation of the lectures.
This year all the lecturers are Saint Lucian.
Humphrey A. Regis has studied print and broadcast media; mass communication theory and research; and the relationships between mass communication and history, culture, development, and immigrant adjustment. He also has studied the Caribbean community, the world African community, and the global community. He has used insights from these studies in his development of perspectives and conducting of studies on the relationships between mass communication and contemporary cultural imperatives. To the study of the relationships, he has made contributions that experts call independent, authoritative, inter disciplinary, and even “seminal.”
Regis has coordinated an undergraduate course, an undergraduate sequence, a graduate program, a Program in Liberal Studies, and a Department of Journalism and Mass Communication. He has served on a council responsible for undergraduate liberal arts requirements; served on a committee responsible for the handshaking between colleges in a university; coordinated a Conference on Relationships Among Members of the World African Community; and edited scholarly journals that focus on African American and World African Community issues. He uses mass media to teach insights into the relationships between mass communication and a number of other subjects he integrates in his work -- history; culture; orientation to reference groups; location in global social space; cultural definition, continuance, and change; “globalization;” and “globalism.”
His lectures for the 2009 Saint Lucia series are entitled “Our ‘Mindemancipation’ and foundations of Christianity”. Apart from his main lecture in Castries, he will be speaking in a number of communities around the island.
Mr. Laurent ‘Jomo’ JnPierre has been involved in environmental issues and ethnobotanical research for many years. He migrated to North America in 1994. He has more than 10 years experience working as an environmental anthropologist and curator of a small herbarium and library (in the Caribbean and the United States). He holds an International Diploma in Herbarium Development Techniques (including plant taxonomy) from Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew. From Hartwick College, NY, USA, he obtained an undergraduate BA degree in Anthropology with minors in Biology and Religion. His Ethnobotany MSc. (University of Kent at Canterbury, UK) dissertation focused on the sustainable use of Coccothrinax barbadensis a palm used for broom-making in the Caribbean. He is now known as the “broom-man.” A Laurent World Broom Collection is housed and named after him at the University of Michigan.
Mr. JnPierre will speak on the role and place of grounds provision in socio-economic development.
Dr. Kyneata Joseph is a graduate of the Sir Arthur Lewis Community College and St. Joseph’s Convent. She continued her education at the University of the West Indies, St Augustine Campus, where she read for a BA degree in History. It was in her final year of undergraduate study that she became interested in the history of Indians in Saint Lucia. The recipient of a Post Graduate Scholarship from the UWI in 2001 Dr. Joseph began extensive research on the Indian community in St Lucia. Her research culminated in a dissertation entitled “A History of Indian Indentured Labour: The Saint Lucian Experience, 1859 to 1903” for which she was awarded a doctoral degree in 2008. Presently, Dr. Joseph lectures Caribbean History at the University of the Southern Caribbean, and at the University of West Indies Open Campus e-learning programme.
Her lecture will be based on her research into the arrival of East Indians in St. Lucia.
Following is a programme of the lecture series.
Monday 27th July 2009 Prof. Humphrey Regis, Our "Mindemancipation" and Foundations of Christianity @ CDF Conference Room 7 pm.
Tuesday 28th July 2009 Dr Kyneata Joseph, The Emancipation Project: The Great East Indian Experiment @ CDF Conference Room 7 pm.
Wednesday 29th July 2009, Mr. Laurent JnPierre Rediscovering the Role of Ground Provision in the Quest for Socio-Economic Empowerment during Pre and Post Emancipation in the Caribbean Islands. @ CDF Conference Room 7 pm.
Thursday 30th July 2009, Prof. Humphrey Regis Our “Mindemancipation” and Foundations of Christianity. @ St. Isidore’s Hall, Soufriere.
Conférence à Laborie, St Lucie - 6 aout
Le 6 aout à 7h, au marché de Laborie se tiendra une conférence sur "Arts et Divertissement: leur role dans notre émancipation culturelle", tenue par Winston Phulgence et Amala Luncheon et le nouveau directeur de Folk Research Center, Kentry Jn Pierre.
tous à vos canoes...
tous à vos canoes...
mercredi 22 juillet 2009
SMS special service for Africa by Google

Google unveils SMS service for Africa
June 30, 2009
Google on Monday unveiled a new service designed to provide information via SMS text message to mobile phone users in Africa, where mobile phones are prevalent but Internet penetration is low.
"At Google we seek to serve a broad base of people -- not only those who can afford to access the Internet from the convenience of their workplace or with a computer at home," the Mountain View, California, company said in a blog post.
"It's important to reach users wherever they are, with the information they need, in areas with the greatest information poverty," Google said.
The Internet search and advertising giant noted that Africa has the world's highest mobile phone growth rate and that mobile use on the continent is six times higher than Internet penetration.
"Most mobile devices in Africa only have voice and SMS capabilities, and so we are focusing our technological efforts in that continent on SMS," it said.
Google said Google SMS, which will be available first in Uganda, would provide information, via SMS, on a number of topics including health and agriculture tips, news, local weather and sports.
Google also said that it is also launching a service called Google Trader, an SMS-based application that helps bring together buyers and sellers of product or services, from used cars to livestock to jobs.
Google said another service, Google SMS Tips, enables a mobile phone user to have a Web search-like experience. A user enters a text query and Google returns relevant answers after searching a database.
Google said Google SMS Tips and Google Trader were developed in partnership with several organisations, including the Grameen Foundation, an offshoot of the pioneering Grameen bank founded by Nobel peace laureate Muhammad Yunus.
mardi 21 juillet 2009
Memory of the World UNESCO - What about Caribbean ?
Memory of the World
UNESCO's programme aiming at preservation and dissemination of valuable archive holdings and library collections worldwide
New nominations for Memory of the World Register to be approved next week
9th Meeting of the International Advisory Committee (IAC) of UNESCO’s Memory of the World Programme will gather from 27 to 31 July 2009 in Bridgetown, Barbados, to make recommendations concerning the inscription of documentary heritage on the Memory of the World Register.
check the list.
Caribbean is well represented with St Lucia presenting Sir Arthur Lewis papers, Barbados with a lot of proposal, Dominican Republic and an interesting Bible in Papimiento... but the most interesting for me is a joint proposition for a register with slaves names from different countries including Dominica and St Kitts.
Memory is important for the futur...
mardi 14 juillet 2009
a new Jamaican media association / Une asso jamaicaine du film
new Jamaican media association / Une asso jamaicaine du film
Après l'association des Industries culturelles de St Lucie (PACE) dont je suis trésorière, la Jamaique commence le même processus.
A suivre...
Après l'association des Industries culturelles de St Lucie (PACE) dont je suis trésorière, la Jamaique commence le même processus.
A suivre...
vendredi 10 juillet 2009
The Caribbean Writer as Warrior of the Imaginary / L’Ecrivain caribéen, guerrier de l’imaginaire.

The Caribbean Writer as Warrior of the Imaginary / L’Ecrivain caribéen, guerrier de l’imaginaire.
a book edited by Gyssels, Kathleen and Bénédicte Ledent (Eds.)
This bilingual collection illustrates the concept of the ‘Warrior of the Imaginary’, as defined by Patrick Chamoiseau, in a multi-faceted corpus of texts. Francophone contributions explore the role of the Caribbean writer in works by Chamoiseau, Édouard Glissant, Daniel Maximin, and Joseph Zobel. Essays in English focus not only on familiar writers (Dionne Brand, Edwidge Danticat, Wilson Harris, Jamaica Kincaid, Caryl Phillips, Derek Walcott) but also on less widely studied voices (Robert Antoni, Albert Helman). Other contributions deal with such ‘fighting areas’ as Afro-Brazilian music, film, and Mutabaruka’s militant poetry. The whole testifies to a surprisingly coherent imaginary, one that goes beyond the ‘balkanization’ of the Caribbean archipelago.
Dans ce collectif bilingue, le concept de ‘Guerrier de l’imaginaire’ tel que défini par Patrick Chamoiseau est illustré par un corpus de textes variés. Plusieurs des articles en français engagent directement le cycle romanesque de l’auteur martiniquais, d’autres étendent l’interrogation de la fonction de l’auteur caribéen à l’écriture glissantienne, maximinienne et zobélienne. Études en anglais portent sur des écrivains dont le renom n’est plus à faire (Dionne Brand, Edwidge Danticat, Wilson Harris, Jamaica Kincaid, Caryl Phillips, Derek Walcott) mais donnent aussi la parole à des auteurs jusqu’à présent moins étudiés (Robert Antoni, Albert Helman). Enfin, quelques-unes des contributions portent sur d’autres ‘terrains de lutte’, comme la musique afro-brésilienne, le cinéma, ou la poésie militante de Mutabaruka. L’ensemble témoigne d’un imaginaire étonnamment confluant, au-delà de la ‘balkanisation’ de l’archipel caribéen
mercredi 8 juillet 2009
Carnaval à St Lucie - 18 au 21 juillet

C'est Carnaval à St Lucie
Le Groovy Soca monarch a nominé cette année une jeune chanteuse qui promet dans la section Soca (ah c'est pas de l'intello mais ça bouge) Qpid est son nom et Davina Lee a réalisé sa video:
pour toutes les news sur le Carnaval :www.luciancarnaval.com
news on hackers clubs/ dernières sur le mouvement des hackers
if you want to know more about the Hackers clubs in the world you can connect to the site and search for cities. The only ones in the Caribbean is in Puerto Rico and in Colombia...
i really think this is a citizen based network who works for our freedom, in the use of technology for the best and all.
when a hacker club in the west-indies ?
il y a un bon article dans le Monde sur le mouvement des Hackers, libertaires et citoyens, ils sont les mieux placés pour éviter que la technologie ne soit la propriété que d'une élite au service seulement de quelques uns.
à quand un hacker club dans les antilles ???
allez voir la carte sur http://hackerspaces.org.
if you want to know more about the Hackers clubs in the world you can connect to the site and search for cities. The only ones in the Caribbean is in Puerto Rico and in Colombia...
i really think this is a citizen based network who works for our freedom, in the use of technology for the best and all.
when a hacker club in the west-indies ?
il y a un bon article dans le Monde sur le mouvement des Hackers, libertaires et citoyens, ils sont les mieux placés pour éviter que la technologie ne soit la propriété que d'une élite au service seulement de quelques uns.
à quand un hacker club dans les antilles ???
allez voir la carte sur http://hackerspaces.org.
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