Guadeloupe is on general strike since the 20th of January. The committee in charge of the organisation of the strike is called the LPK, it includes all Unions, civil society NGO's. The island protest against the price of life which is 40 % more that in France even if transport cost is only 10% of it and colonial situation who gives in priority best jobs to French people... The island is closed, no food, no gas, no transport, no school !!!
French government sent more troups in the island and the Minister in charge of the FWI was playing a game, negociating in Guadeloupe and steping back on promesses in France.
Yesterday, a militant died, killed in a riot by a lost bullet.
Martinique join the strike the 5th February, and 20 000 persons were in the street. Since then the situation is the same, shortage of Gas, no school, no bank, no supermarket...
In the meanwhile, a french TV program on the economy of the FWI call "BEKE land" was broadcasted the 6th February, in which it is explain how the Beke - white descendants of aristocratic estate owners - are still the master of the islands. They are 1 % of the population and own 45 % of the land, most of the supermarket, and half of the commercial traffic coming to the island is dealed by them !
In this Tv program a Beke was proud to tell that in 400 years the bekes never mixed with negroes... in an apartheid system very well organised.
This gives more reasons for the strikers to continue and negociate with the French Government.
There are many online text, petition, articles and circualting email but I consider the "Manifeste pour les produits de première nécessité" of a Collectif of an internationlly recognized intellectuals (Ernest Breleur, Patrick Chamoiseau, Serge Domi, Gérard Delver, Edouard Glissant, Guillaume Pigeard de Gurbert, Olivier Portecop, Olivier Pulvar, Jean-Claude William) as the most powerful.
There is as well a call to boycott all the products sold by the Beke which provide a long list...
But more than a racial question, which is more evident in MArtinique than in Guadeloupe this is a political and economical question. FWI have an average of 30 % of unployment (France was between 5 and 10% these last years) many people are living under poverty level and young people are lost.
So let's see what happen after the allocution of the french president tonight, thursday 19 on the events.
et vive la Révolution !!
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