Thursday 25th March 2010, 6.00 pmHosted by Barbara Small Jacobs
Address: Adrian Augier
John Robert Lee
7.00 pm : Book Fair Opens
Music by Mamai Kw’yol
World Premiere Launch of Derek Walcott’s ‘White Egrets’Introduction by Eddie Baugh
Poet and Professor Emeritus UWI Mona, Jamaica
Readings by Derek Walcott
Book Sales and Signing Reception
Word and Image: Secondary Schools Visual Art Exhibition Inspired by the poetry of Derek Walcott
The Moving Metaphor:
Video installation By Davina Lee
Friday 26th March 2010Film conference
Host for opening: Bernard Fanis
Dr. Hilary Brown on Standby to deliver Feature address
Sugesstion: Davina to introduce all presenters and panelists for the day
7.00 pm Opening Address
Sen. Hon. Allen Chastanet, Minister of Tourism and Civil Aviation
Feature Address
Dr. Len Ishmael, Director General Of The Organization of Eastern Caribbean States
Film Conference Session 1: A Caribbean Film Aesthetic
Presenters of FCS1:
Mahmood Patel , Filmmaker
Introduction of presenter by Davina Lee
Film Session 1’s Panel:
Larry Bain of Alexander Bain Productions
Lisa Dublin of Shine Studios
Film Conference Session 2
From Dream To Screen: The Business of Film Making
Presenter of FCS2: Frances Anne Solomon
Film Session 2’s Panel:
Mathurine Emmanuel
Jessica Canham
Lunch Film
Film Conference Session 3
Building Capacity: Film and the Future of Caribbean Creative Industries
Presenters of FCS3:
Tony Coco-Viloin,Film Commissioner, Guadeloupe
Film Session 3’s Panel:
Anita Bully, Film Commissioner, Dominica
Book Fair Opens
Introductory Film: Power of the Vagina
Feature Film Presentation: A Winter Tale, By Frances Anne Solomon
Saturday 27th March 2010Word Alive 5 Judges
Alwin Bully, McDonald Dixon, Kentillia Louis
MC: Pringles
After Word Lime With DJ Play and Scady
Film Workshop: Cinematography Presenter of Film Workshop: Mahmood Patel
Book Fair Opens
Word Alive 5 Competition
Featuring : Roger Bonair-Agard ,Trinidad New York, Kei Miller, Jamaica
Sunday 28th March 2010 10.00 am Book Fair Opens, signature of books
Brunch Under the Big Tent